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HOME : Welcome

Jesus said to him,"I am THE way,

THE truth, and THE life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

John 14:6

John 14:6


Graced-Up Ministries is a 501c3 Non-Profit organization based in Southern California.

We are a Christ-centered Non-Denomination Christian Ministry and are here to help all people in need. 

Whether it is to give food, help provide support to people during natural disasters,

give to existing charities that support sheltering the homeless, counseling to veterans

who suffer from P.T.S.D. and more.

Praying Together
HOME : About


Nurture Each Other in Faith


Our #1 mission is to get people to understand the True Gospel so that they can know who Jesus Christ is and come to believe in Him and therefore become Saved. We are called by God to serve all people. To preach and teach to ANYONE the unadulterated True Gospel of Grace ensuring Jesus Christ is the Center of our ministry. We use practical teaching, implementing scripture to give a fresh, real & raw easy to understand Bible comprehension to everyone seeking the Word of God and helping them in their walk of faith. With prayers, encouragement and financial support from partners and friends, this allows us to reach out and help distribute resources to those in need. It also helps us to utilize forms of media and other types of communications

that are available to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ!



Father God, I repent of my sins. I come to you humbled, and in need of forgiveness. Father, I believe that you sent your only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for me, taking my place, so that I could live a righteous life. I confess that Jesus Christ, is my Lord and Savior. I believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose on the third day. I now receive Jesus Christ into my heart and into my life forevermore in Jesus name. AMEN !!!


Beloved friend, if you have confessed this prayer and believe It in your heart…you are now a Forgiven child of God and ALL your sins have been put away. Congratulations, you are now born again & you are the Righteousness of God in Christ!!!!!


Pastor Rodney Kearney



Meet the Spiritual Team



Founder & Evangelist

A devoted and loving wife to Pastor Rodney Kearney, 
Morgan is the example of what a woman of God, wife and mother should be. She is a caring and nurturing mother to her children and instills the biblical core values in their upbringing.
Morgan is an infinite support to her husband and their ministry always leaning on her trust and faith in 
God to guide her in ALL decisions.



Lead Pastor & Evangelist 

An Army Veteran and former Law Enforcement Officer, Born and raised in Seattle Washington, Rodney attended a Christian Baptist Church and was baptized at a very young age. Though he went to church regularly as a young child and into his teenage years, the message that was being taught in Church seemed as though it did not resonate or sit well with him. Rodney wanted to learn 
more about who Christ is and in fact who God really 
is. He then started studying on his own and figured out 
that the message that was being taught to him was based on what we had to do to get right with God. He then quickly learned during his own Bible studies that once we are saved, we are already right with God through Christ. He continued his studies and eventually became an ordained pastor and ministering the gospel of Grace to people all over.


We'd love to hear from you!


To contact us, please simply complete the online form. 

Please allow 1-2 business days for a response.



PO BOX 1002 


CA 91752

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